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Chartwell Seventeen Advisory Group Inc. | New York, NY

Dave Fischer, President, Chartwell Seventeen Advisory Group

Just when you think you have it all down to a science, you call on your prospect or existing customer and BAM! You get tossed around like a kite in a hurricane.

Are you finding that your sales calls are filled with gamesmanship? Are you and your prospect or clients continuously jockeying for position during a sales call? Do you find neither of you always have a clear and concise understanding of what happens next? Read more about our clear steps in how to execute a prospect sales call with the UFC Strategy.

A big question for sales leaders: How do you transfer the level of success that one team in your organization is delivering…so that everyone else on the sales side can find a way to deliver at the same level?

Trade shows are to salespeople what holiday season is to retailers. All year long you look forward to a brief period when you have the potential to sell a great deal of merchandise.

Topics include: An Honest Conversation - Not A Presentation, Prospect's Defense, Don't Be Traditional and Remove The Pressure

This may be a painful exercise but try it. Draw a line across a sheet of paper. Start by noting the year of your birth at the far left of the line. That’s easy.

Becoming a good sales professional requires the same type of training that other good professionals endure. Athletes, physicians, college professors, firefighters—you name the profession and the people at the top pay a price every day to stay there. The price they pay is conditioning.

Closing the sale is only the beginning of the relationship. Work as hard to keep the relationship as you did to establish the relationship. If your client fires you, it is generally because you are inattentive to them.

Everyone in the successful business world agrees that continuous training, mentoring and/or coaching is key for continued growth.

If you seriously believe that your prospects and customers are always telling you the truth – this column may not be something you should be reading.